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Power in Weakness

Let the weak say I’m Strong… Face Your Weaknesses

It is hard to appear weak, but the truth is we are all inadequate humans already. When we recognize and admit our weaknesses to each other, we can begin to grow in them and mature. Our shortcomings are no surprise, and they can still be used for making an impact. ATM M. ETIQUETTE EXPO PROGRAM 2015 STEPENSON HIGH (113)


Instead of attempting to be strong, our hope is to approach someone for help in our weak and frail state, requesting their strength to compensate and make us whole. Their willingness gives us what we need, and the process is much smoother when we do not try to fool ourselves and others with false airs of grandeur. Our family and friends, more than probably anyone else, are well acquainted with our weaknesses, so any attempt to cover them up may only produce feelings that are ingenuine. It would be better to accept the help in our weaknesses and look to each other for strength.


Do you respond to someone else weakness with contempt or with Kindness? Try the latter it would have more of an impact.