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Become The Best Version of You!

Many people go through life trying to be something or someone their not and they live in a constant state of frustration.  ATM SUMMERTIME (35)Statistics have shown that the people that are the most successful, and happiest, learn what they are great at and put their heart and passion in that thing. Many of us are thought to work on our weaknesses – this could be the wrong approach. You will only become great at the things that are your natural strengths because you enjoy them. You will only enjoy and be passionate about doing the things that fit your personality and makeup. What is your personality? You should have a good understanding of YOU!


5 ways to Become The Best Version Of You!


1) Be Yourself

Enjoy being YOU. Enjoy YOUR personality. You are unique and have a special gift that is uniquely YOURS. Find out what that gift is and become better at it. Focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses.


2) Set Goals

One way to become the best version of you is to set goals for your life and business. Goals keep us focused. Goals keep us moving. Goals help us keep our priorities right.


3) Learn

Never stop learning! The most successful people have not arrived and they realize they do not know it all. Always be a “teachable” person and realize that you can learn from others no matter how great you are at something or how long you have done something. To be teachable, it takes humility. Be open to learning from others.


4) Give

Be a giver not just a taker. Givers are more attractive than takers and enjoy life more. Have you ever gave with no expectation to receive? ATM M. ETIQUETTE EXPO PROGRAM 2015 STEPENSON HIGH (113)It’s fun. Try it. You can buy someone a breakfast sandwich at the drive thru. You say, “I don’t have anything to give.” Sure you do. Giving is not always material or financial (although it can include that) You can give your wisdom to help someone. You can give someone fifteen minutes of your time. Start with what you have and you will soon have more to give.


5) Start

Many people fail to become the “Best Version Of Themselves” because they don’t START. Start today! Tomorrow may never come. Today is your day! This is your year!


This is your time to Become The Best Version Of YOU!

How to Find Your Life Purpose

There are Two Parts to (Life) Purpose: Being and Doing.


Being is your identity and it defines who you are. Doing dictates what you’ve been called and put on this earth to do. So here is the definition of (Life) Purpose:



When you find a role in life where you do what you love to do, and you use what you’re great at doing to become a solution to problems that you are called to fix. That’s when you will find your (life) purpose. It’s that one sweet spot where these four things intersect: Passions, Talents, Needs and Calling.



Passions are the fuel for your life. When you are doing something you are passionate about, it will wake you up early in the morning with new vigor. When it comes to (Life) Purpose, your Passions answer the question “What” – What should I be doing in my life that will satisfy me?



Talents are those things you do easily that others wish they could do too because you make it look so easy to do it. Everyone cannot do what is easy for you to do. Your talents are given specifically to you and it is up to you to use them to make a difference in this world! Talents answer this question “How” – How can I make the greatest amount of change in this world using the talents that are given to me?



Needs are the third component in finding your life purpose. Why needs? Passions and Talents are important, but you have them both because you have been designed for a role in your life where you will do what you love to do and use what you’re great at doing to solve problems! Needs answer the question “Where” – Where will I make the greatest contribution in life?




Finally, you have a “Calling”. Sometimes we can spend our whole life devoted to the wrong thing. You are called to do something great in your life. These great things can be negative, (e.g. a serial killer) or they can be positive (e.g. helping the poor or in my case, helping at-risk youth to find their calling in life). It’s up to you to decide what that calling is and to “just do it!”


Calling is the last component (and the most important) because you must pay attention to what your calling is in order to focus on it and to devote your life to that cause. Why? Because your calling comes from above. When you are working with the will of your spiritual guidance, it will all work out in the end!


So that’s how you define (Life) purpose and how to go about finding it? Purpose isn’t just about you having a satisfying life. Purpose is actually about you serving or contributing to the betterment of the world.


To solve the world’s problems, how do you actually do this? You only use your talents to become a solution to the problems. Your talents come easy to you. You use what comes easy to you to fix problems and since you’re great at what you do, you’ll fix the problems that are set forth in your life purpose goals.


“Life is a banquet. And the tragedy is that most people are starving to death.”  ~ Anthony de Mello

Give More. Get More. Be More.

As we end the month of January and enter the month of Black History let’s all be reminded of what is important to our well being. ATM BOOF We have to find a way to follow the steps of the  six words in this title.  Giving is how we get, getting is how we become more. As entrepreneurs our vision was born out of risk, guts, failure, determination, sweat and success.


When you own your own business, you have complete responsibility for all of its operations. You have to look after your own best interest first and foremost. But the more generous you are with your time, energy, and expertise the easier it will be to accomplish your personal goals. The more you give, the more you get.


Helping People is the Key to Success

“It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.”~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


There’s a common misconception that in order to get ahead in business, you have to lie, cheat, steal, and otherwise step on a lot of other people on the way up. That may be true in the corporate world, but the opposite is true with most businesses. The more people a company helps, the more people will patronize that company and share it with their friends and colleagues.


“The easiest way to get what you want is to help others get what they want.” ~ Deepak Chopra


The more value you provide, the more you’re worth. So focus your effort on helping other people succeed.


People Tend to Return Favors


There are certain rules that we all follow. In Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Robert Cialdini discusses something that he calls the rule of reciprocation. According to Cialdini, “The rule says that we should try to repay, in kind, what another person has provided us.” I’m sure you’ve felt that powerful sense of obligation when someone goes out of their way to do something nice for you. You feel instinctively compelled to balance the scale with a return favor of your own.


This feeling of indebtedness goes back to the earliest stages of human society, when people began sharing resources and skills in order to thrive. Today, there’s not a single human society that doesn’t follow the rule of reciprocation (according to the research of sociologist Alvin Gouldner). How can you apply this in your life? Go above and beyond when working with others. Provide a service for free or promote them without asking for anything in return. When the time is right, those individuals will do whatever they can to return the favor.ATM Career Summit (1)


Giving opens up your Network


Nothing has contributed more to the growth of our success than our network. The larger and more powerful your network, the easier it will be for you to achieve success. But how do you begin making meaningful connections – especially with people who are higher-up on the food chain than you? One way is to make an introduction to someone in the form of a generous gift.


I can tell you a story about this method of networking that illustrates how it can be effective:


A couple of years ago, the website of an influential technology blogger was taken down by a hacker. The top-tier blogger was lamenting his site’s crash on Twitter when he received a message from one of his followers. The follower was a young programmer and he had decided to look at the website to see how it had been hacked. He presented the blogger with exact instructions for how to prevent another hacker from taking the site down in the future. That advice was worth thousands of dollars to the blogger, but the programmer didn’t ask for anything in return. Instead, he earned himself a high-profile connection. You can try the same thing to establish valuable new business relationships in your field.


Word Spreads Fast


Doing business is commonplace. It happens every day. Being given something is a little bit more exceptional. The exchange becomes a story that we’re more likely to share with friends and colleagues. A good story is also at the core of journalism. As you read this, thousands of magazine and newspaper writers are frantically searching for a story to meet tomorrow’s deadline. Every business would like that next article to be written about them. Periodicals have huge readerships, so being featured in one generates new leads and a burst of traffic to your website.


But offering a product or a service for a price isn’t much of a story. Giving away that product or service to a worthy cause, on the other hand, is much more newsworthy. When your business takes part in a charitable deed, you increase your chances of being featured in the press. So if you’re looking to raise your profile, try giving back to your local community. Not only will word spread about your business, the story will be about making it a positive impact.





“No man who continues to add something to the material, intellectual and moral well-being of the place in which he lives is left long without proper reward.” ~ Booker T. Washington


Karma is an ancient Indian concept that links a person’s actions to their destiny. In western culture, it’s often understood as “what goes around comes around” or “you reap what you sow.” Some people seem to think of karma as a spiritual scoreboard that keeps track of our every deed. Everything we do, good or bad, is perfectly accounted for and dealt back to us in time. If this were true, then we could just give, give, give and then sit back and wait for karma to come calling with a heap of great stuff in return.


You may not believe in karma as an all-knowing spiritual force, but you have to recognize that events are not isolated. When something good happens, it tends to cause more good things to happen, which in turn cause even more good things to happen… and on and on and on. Unfortunately, the same is true of negative events. When you realize that events are interlinked, you begin to realize how important it is to be kind and compassionate in your daily life. If you’re always doing good actions, then your whole life will be surrounded by patterns of positive events. Even though you may not always see the benefit of your good actions, you will have good karma overall.


Giving Makes You Happy


When we’re happy, we’re more productive. As entrepreneurs, we’re the engine of our businesses, so it’s especially important that we stay happy and productive. One measurement of happiness is the level of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Natural methods of raising serotonin involve exercising regularly, eating certain foods (e.g. almonds), and performing acts of kindness. That’s right: making other people happier makes us happier.


“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” ~ Dalai Lama


Next time you’re feeling down on your business, try giving a little bit of time and energy to do something nice for somebody else.


It Makes the World a Better Place


“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” ~ Anne Frank


Up to this point, all my reasons have gone back to personal benefit. I’ve tried to explain how acting in the interest of others is really acting in self-interest. In other words, I’ve been appealing to that always-loud voice in our heads that asks, “What’s in it for me?” But the best reason to be a more giving entrepreneur isn’t selfish at all.  As entrepreneurs, we have a great deal of power. We have the resources of our businesses, our online platform, and we have our personal skill set. Together, that means the capability to bring big ideas together and turn them into realities.


The world needs entrepreneurs – and the more of us who are actively giving our time and expertise, the better place the world will be for everyone.